Fund2 Challenge gravatar Fund2 Challenge

How can we encourage developers and entrepreneurs to build Dapps and businesses on top of Cardano in the next 6 months? This mission is critical because it's the contributions from developers and entrepreneurs that will determine the value of Cardano.

For Cardano to continue its evolution as a dynamic, decentralized network, we'll need to come together as a community of innovators, first focusing on the challenge of attracting developers and entrepreneurs to build on top of Cardano. This mission is critical because the contributions from developers and entrepreneurs will determine the value of Cardano.

Therefore at the end of the fund we will be asking ourselves:
Did our efforts manage to attract developers and entrepreneurs to our ecosystem?

We will be tracking the following metrics:

How many developers did we attract?

How many entrepreneurs?

How many new Dapps were developed associated with proposals?

How many new businesses were developed associated with proposals?

Guiding questions

What are low-hanging fruits that can be achieved first to attract developers and entrepreneurs?

What kind of Dapps and businesses can already be developed in the next six months?

Inspirational potential directions

The community open roadmap contains a "Use cases" section and "Driving adoption" section that can serve as an inspiration for proposers.

Additional options:

Ada Payment integrations.

Prototypes on Plutus/Marlowe playground

Market validation of Dapps

Week1 instructions

By sharing and reading other people's perspectives, we will find better solutions. In fact, research shows that sharing perspectives before sharing solutions can increase the review score of the final proposals by 26%. (See this presentation about the scientific research behind it here: )

Your perspective can be shared with the community by logging into Ideascale. Press the "Share perspective" button and post into the Fund2 campaign.

Your post can be about the following things:

Provide facts about the challenge others might not be aware of.

Example: Cardano already has about 20,000 people who engaged with our community in the past year.

Share an anecdote about the problem area: Your own experience onboarding to Cardano, or issues you saw other's encounter.

Example: When I first joined Cardano, I had no idea how to integrate my payment solution with the technology, submitted a support ticket, but it never received an answer.

Give an example of how others have successfully addressed this challenge.

Example: Ethereum launched hackathons all the time to attract young developers:

Provide your opinion: What kind of proposals would you like to see submitted?

Example: I would love to see someone propose a system to identify entrepreneurs and developers in the eco-system, and keep them notified when new opportunities are introduced.

Share wild thoughts Inspiring, visionary, and hypothetical thoughts.

Example: Decentralized innovation funds can be the new ICO, instead of asking for funds, we ask for labor and ideas to jumpstart a token.

Discuss tradeoffs.

Example: We can campaign really hard to bring developers, but if we are not prepared with good onboarding they might get a bad impression and leave.

Offer Integrative solutions, take a few points of view shared before and define a novel solution.

Example: I see that we have 20K people in the network, that hackathons are great for onboarding devs, and that we need to identify devs in the community. Why don't we send an invitation for a Cardano-wide global hackathon? We could then build a list of interested devs + start engaging with them?

For this week, our goal is to get at least 100 posts exploring the problem.

Key dates

See Project Catalyst's community FAQ for current deadlines and key dates.

Evaluation and Decision Making

Community advisors will review proposals according to this guideline. This is just advice. Funding decision will be made by ada holders using the voting app.

Total Proposals
Funded Proposals
Completed Proposals
$ 250K

PoolTool Platform Upgrade

$22,470 Received
$22,470 Requested

Solution: Cost-based ranking methods could lead to handful of low-cost operators dominating the Cardano network, reducing infrastructure diversity.

Fund: Fund 2 Challenge: Fund2 Challenge
completed Awarded 8.988% of the fund.

Pet Registry dApp + ₳Pay API

$14,263 Received
$14,263 Requested

Solution: ₳Pay API helps devs accept ADA payments on websites. Pet Registry dApp, built on ₳Pay, services a global audience in a cheaper, better way.

Fund: Fund 2 Challenge: Fund2 Challenge
funded Awarded 5.705% of the fund.

Ouroboros over RINA

$10,700 Received
$10,700 Requested

Solution: Deploy a proof of concept stake pool and relay solution of Ouroborus over RINA using Ethernet/WDM at two sites in Tokyo, Japan.

Fund: Fund 2 Challenge: Fund2 Challenge
completed Awarded 4.28% of the fund.
0 (1)

Lovelace Academy Marlowe Plutus

$12,919 Received
$12,919 Requested

Solution: Cardano's Smarter Contracts Series: Marlowe and Plutus + GitHub Tutorials

Making Sense of Cardano Series: Using Cardano in the real-world

Fund: Fund 2 Challenge: Fund2 Challenge
completed Awarded 5.168% of the fund.
0 (1)

Liqwid:Cardano DeFi Lending Markets

$41,195 Received
$41,195 Requested

Solution: Open source DeFi lending app; automated liquidity pools so users can be the bank and govern the protocol with incentives to bootstrap credit

Fund: Fund 2 Challenge: Fund2 Challenge
funded Awarded 16.478% of the fund.

Japan Cardano Governance Association-Meetings & Communities

$374 Received
$374 Requested

Solution: 手段[1ファンド1以上オンライン/オフラインミートアップ開催、週1以上ガバナンスポッドキャスト、毎日ガバナンス特化コミュニティ運営]→ゴール[ファンド5:参加率50%超、アドバイザ3人超、日本人議論参加数1提案あたり3人超]

Fund: Fund 2 Challenge: Fund2 Challenge
completed Awarded 0.15% of the fund.

IoT Utility Dapp - Sign Tx Arduino

$8,025 Received
$8,025 Requested

Solution: Create an Arduino IDE compatible C library to sign local Cardano transactions - enable immediate applications for embedded & IoT pre-Goguen

Fund: Fund 2 Challenge: Fund2 Challenge
completed Awarded 3.21% of the fund.

Haskell/Plutus/Marlowe Education

$19,469 Received
$19,469 Requested

Solution: I want to create educational content that conveys complex information in a structured way supplemented with examples that inspire new ideas.

Fund: Fund 2 Challenge: Fund2 Challenge
funded Awarded 7.788% of the fund.
0 (1)

Free-Commerce: sell online with ADA

$77,514 Requested

Solution: To build opensource, intermediary and commission free payment integrations for Shopify stores. ADA flows directly from buyer to seller.

Fund: Fund 2 Challenge: Fund2 Challenge
over budget Requested 31.006% of the fund.

Create message signing standard

$5,000 Received
$535 Requested

Prove reserves, identity, delegating to a pool and more.

Fund: Fund 2 Challenge: Fund2 Challenge
completed Awarded 0.214% of the fund.

Cardano Starter Kits + APIs

$28,355 Received
$28,355 Requested

Solution: Free, open source APIs & Project-Based Learning resources that empower people from different backgrounds to drive adoption of Cardano.

Fund: Fund 2 Challenge: Fund2 Challenge
completed Awarded 11.342% of the fund.

Cardano for Mobile dApp Developers

$32,100 Received
$32,100 Requested

Solution: Turn mobile platforms into first-class citizens of dApps world:

  • Mobile SDKs

  • Mobile-first dApp experience

  • AppStores compatibility

Fund: Fund 2 Challenge: Fund2 Challenge
funded Awarded 12.84% of the fund.

Address Gap in SPO Education/Comms

$10,700 Received
$10,700 Requested

Solution: Create high value content targeting SPOs and establish communication channels bridges to enable effective dissemination and feedback to CF

Fund: Fund 2 Challenge: Fund2 Challenge
completed Awarded 4.28% of the fund.