New Member Onboarding gravatar New Member Onboarding

How might we make it faster and easier for new Catalyst members to take on suitable roles and responsibilities in 2022?

Campaign Brief

The growth of Project Catalyst depends on meaningful participation from proposers, advisors, mentors and voters who are both eager and capable to fulfill their roles and understand their responsibilities.

Guiding questions

  • How might we convert passive ADA holders into active Catalyst members?
  • How might we increase awareness of Project Catalyst as the most active open innovation platform?
  • How might we increase more meaningful participation from challenge teams, proposers, advisors, mentors and voters? What kind of additional roles are needed?
  • How might we encourange new members to utillize the tools and services availalbe for onboarding?
  • How might we improve the use of existing text, video and audio materials?

Why is it important?

The success of Catalyst depends on the availability of quality challenge teams, proposers, advisors, mentors and voters.

What does success look like?

A well-oiled open innovation platform where people fulfill roles that are meaningful for them and that contribute to shared success.

Key Metrics to measure

The metrics can be divided to two sections. General onboarding refers to bringing people in and converting them from mere lurkers to voters and potential proposers. Innovation process metrics refer to the quantity and quality of proposals and activity around them.

General onboarding:

  • Weekly sign ups to Cardano Ideascale
  • Townhall attendance
  • Catalyst School session attendance
  • Swarm session attendance
  • Applications to leadership positions (e.g. Circle)

Innovation process:

  • Number of referrers
  • Reduction in the number of unready proposals
  • Growtn in the number of 4-5 star proposals
  • Growth in the number of Community Advisors and Veteran Community Advisors
  • Percentage of proposals with Excellent assessments
  • Growth in the number of voters
  • Growth in total number of votes given
Total Proposals
Completed Proposals
$ 200K

Visualized Cardano Structure

$9,832 Received
$9,832 Requested

Solution: エコシステムの明確な視覚的マップを作成し、言葉を少なくし、ハイパーリンクで詳細を説明する。コンテストを利用して、最も優れたビジュアル化作品を見つける。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: New Member Onboarding
completed Awarded 4.916% of the fund.
4.43 (60)

The Impact Onboarding

$9,400 Received
$9,400 Requested

Solution: Build an onboarding model through an active catalyst community to welcome, connect, and support onboarding newcomers

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: New Member Onboarding
completed Awarded 4.7% of the fund.
4.39 (18)

The Catalyst School Fund9 Operation

$17,800 Received
$17,800 Requested

Solution: カタリストスクールは、カタリストのさまざまなプレーヤーや役割の貢献度を高めることで、カタリスト全体の影響力を高めるための場です。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: New Member Onboarding
completed Awarded 8.9% of the fund.
4.52 (60)

Project Catalyst Onboarding Hub

$10,000 Requested

Solution: Launch a community hub to onboard and educate new members to the Project Catalyst ecosystem.

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: New Member Onboarding
not approved Requested 5% of the fund.
2.57 (30)

Organised Linkedin of professionals

$100,000 Requested

Solution: Coordinated promotion of project catalyst through professional channels can bring more professionals on board to support development

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: New Member Onboarding
not approved Requested 50% of the fund.
1.44 (39)

Onboard New Eastern African Members

$2,500 Requested

Solution: We need to build quality challenge teams, proposers, advisors, mentors and voters recruited to perform from East Africca

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: New Member Onboarding
not approved Requested 1.25% of the fund.
3.29 (24)

Onboarding Under-represented Youth

$30,000 Requested

Solution: カルダノコミュニティに参加し、役割を見つけ、ポジティブな影響を与えるリーダーとして未来を形作るための体系的な道筋で若者を支援します。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: New Member Onboarding
not approved Requested 15% of the fund.
4.24 (21)

Onboarding through events

$10,800 Received
$10,800 Requested

Solution: 毎月、インパクトに関連したテーマ別のイベントを開催し、新規参加者を惹きつけ、より強固なコミュニティ・エンゲージメントを構築していきます。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: New Member Onboarding
completed Awarded 5.4% of the fund.
4.13 (24)

On-boarding French Developers

$18,000 Requested

Solution: – Create a streamlined and more accessible version of all tree courses in French giving access to a wide francophone audience.

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: New Member Onboarding
not approved Requested 9% of the fund.
4 (12)

Onboarding East Asia Today

$15,000 Received
$15,000 Requested

Solution: Setup a translation pipeline to translate Catalyst documents & proposals to various languages in East Asia as accurately as possible.

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: New Member Onboarding
completed Awarded 7.5% of the fund.
4.76 (21)

Onboard Impact Driven Businesses

$10,000 Requested

Solution: インパクト重視のビジネスがCardanoに参加する場を作り、これらの人々がプロジェクト実行を受けるためのリソースを獲得できるようにする。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: New Member Onboarding
not approved Requested 5% of the fund.
3.44 (9)

NFT Speakeazy Onboarding Bar

$17,000 Requested

Solution: NFT Speakeazy、全米のレストランで1000枚のQRウェブカードを手渡す。IRLコミュニティへのオンボーディングに注力。週一回のツイッタースペース。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: New Member Onboarding
not approved Requested 8.5% of the fund.
2.54 (24)

New Members Engagement 2- AIM

$29,000 Requested

Solution: 助成案件のニーズと会員の専門性をマッチングさせるプラットフォームの第2段階。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: New Member Onboarding
over budget Requested 14.5% of the fund.
4.5 (12)

New Catalyst operation pattern

$9,999 Requested

Solution: Create a platform where users have easy access and powerful tools to contribute, to be recognized and rewarded through standard assessments.

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: New Member Onboarding
not approved Requested 5% of the fund.
2.14 (21)

Mini Proposal Workshops

$5,184 Requested

Solution: Workshops that help entrepreneurs to create a proposal and effectively communicate with voters

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: New Member Onboarding
not approved Requested 2.592% of the fund.
4.12 (57)

member onboarding gamer recruitment

$50,000 Requested

Solution: The plan is to build a fun high quality game with the perks of gamefi on the blockchain to onboard gamer audiences

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: New Member Onboarding
not approved Requested 25% of the fund.
2 (18)

Learn 2 Earn, CA Can Be a Good Job!

$6,280 Received
$15,700 Requested

Solution: カタリストのコミュニティニーズ(より正直で思慮深い親切な評価)が着実に高まっていることを、主婦のための雇用創出プログラムに転換する。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: New Member Onboarding
funded Awarded 7.85% of the fund.
4.37 (30)

Innovatio's Digital User Onboarding

$11,400 Received
$11,400 Requested

Solution: Develop an on-boarding plan for digital users who want to decide to get involved in entrepreneurship, work, or participate in governance.

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: New Member Onboarding
completed Awarded 5.7% of the fund.
4.47 (15)

Innovation Fund Research - Roles

$10,240 Requested

Solution: Open discussion to gather all the knowledge about the specific roles. Then visualize these Innovation Fund role activities on Miro Board.

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: New Member Onboarding
not approved Requested 5.12% of the fund.
3.75 (24)

Grow SA Cardano Community

$30,000 Requested

Solution: Learn by participating in catalyst then reuse or create training material and host workshops within 3 blockchain communities in South Africa

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: New Member Onboarding
not approved Requested 15% of the fund.
3.38 (21)

Ghana Youth Onboarding Outreach

$4,000 Received
$4,000 Requested

Solution: Organize outreach programs to safely onboard more youth with ideas. Two months' Workshop on Cardano blockchain Project Catalyst proposals.

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: New Member Onboarding
completed Awarded 2% of the fund.
4.26 (27)

FreeLoaderz: Load Balancer

$5,000 Received
$5,000 Requested

Solution: 地域社会に無償でサービスを提供し続けるために必要なインフラを整備すること すでにあるものを発展させる。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: New Member Onboarding
completed Awarded 2.5% of the fund.
4.14 (21)

Free CNFT Giveaway Bonanza - Get In

$10,000 Requested

Solution: This proposal will distribute free CNFTz using a variety of distribution methods, creating excitement to onboard new users to Cardano.

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: New Member Onboarding
not approved Requested 5% of the fund.
2.28 (18)


$10,000 Requested

Solution: Utilize generated coupon codes to pair "free" NFT's with physical merchandise purchased w/ fiat that incentivizes new hot wallet creation

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: New Member Onboarding
not approved Requested 5% of the fund.
2.9 (21)