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Cardano Coffee Chain: AI SmartFarming dApp

₳180,000.00 Requested
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Community Review Results (1 reviewers)
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Create a photo taking dApp using AI, ML, Robotics to improve efficiency of farm production. Conduct user research and behavioral data to prototype a mobile app for SmartFarming in the coffee industry.


Lack of efficiency in coffee farming. Africa's potential Coffee production is not being met. Abundance of raw materials but low production output. Miscommunication between farmer owners/managers

  • Video cover image

[IMPACT] Please describe your proposed solution.


  • How we perceive the problem;

The problem we are solving is the inefficiency and outdated systems in Coffee farming which lead to decreased productivity, loss of profit, and hindered growth. There are also limitations in information gathering between Farm Owner and Farm Manager and slow adoption of new ideas as potential barriers to progress.

  • Reasons for approaching it in the way that we have:

We propose to address the problem by leapfrogging the East African Coffee Industry into the future and creating SmartFarming systems. This approach is driven by the belief that trying to catch up with existing systems from the last century will leave Coffee growth trailing behind.

Kenya's Coffee production is in decline, more than 60% since the 1980s.

We aim to improve productivity and increase profit by providing traceability, industry code of practice and certification of origin and improving information sharing and accountability.

  • Who will our project engage:

Your project will engage urban farmers or city-dwelling individuals with farms upcountry, farm managers, and the broader agricultural industry. Our focus on SmartFarming systems will also potentially attract tech-savvy individual farmers, supply chain companies and industries who are interested in sustainable agriculture.

  • How we will demonstrate or prove your impact:

To demonstrate the impact of our project, we'll measure productivity, profit, and environmental impact. We can use the data we've gathered to track how SmartFarming systems improve and optimize farm activities. Furthermore, the certification and traceability features of your system will provide evidence of ethical and sustainable farming practices. We have also gathered testimonials and feedback from farmers and community members which showcase the tangible benefits of the system.

What Data are we looking for?

Soil moisture %

Rainfall mm

Sunlight intensity Lux

Soil electrical conductivity dS/M

Wind speed m/s

Air Temperature °C

Soil Temperature °C

CO2 ppm

Air Humidity %RH


Purchase one for each Farm, run trials on different farms collecting 90 days of Data + Daily Photographs of the farm.

The answer: Smart Farming. 4.0 green revolution in the field of agriculture combining agriculture methodologies with technology. Sensors & Actuators, Internet of Things (IoT), Robotics and Drones to achieve desired efficiencies of production with managed cost.

Connecting the Urban Dwelling Farm owner to real time information on his farm. The Smart Farming system would include the sensors, the internet and the photos.

Put some UX research into machine learning by image processing to improve the farm processing practices by reducing the amount of data that has to be collected.

Conduct user research and behavioral data to design to prototype a mobile app for smart farming in the coffee industry.

Users: urban dwelling farm owner, farm worker, Farm Manager.

Create a farm information system so Urban farmers can monitor their farm. Info about quality of farm production. Simplifying the input data, Minimising data entry means that its easy for the farmer to input the data, easing data collection.

We could begin by adding the LoRaWan Vegetable Gardening Monitoring Kit from seeedstudio. This will give us information about the Air Temp, Humidity, Sunlight, Soil Moisture, Temp and Electrical Conductivity. Soil samples would add information about the nutrient content and pH level.

App that takes photo of plants uses ML to identify plants, identifies disease, tells you what diseases you have on the farm and how to heal plants

DApp Use Case: Taking photos of plants. As a starting point for our smart farming system. Machine learning by image processing to improve the farm processing Practices by reducing the amount of data that has to be collected. Photos are evidence that certain things have been done. Production process, drying beds, sorting, weight etc simple input data.

Farm manager collects information through a photo taking DApp. Machine learning processes the images and identifies Plant type/variety, age, disease, leaf health.

DApp combines a daily report. Submit info to Cardano Testnet from gateway (using encryptions); RWEAVE for the data. This is collated with the information from the environment sensors. Taking photos of the plants, leaves, will give us information about the Plant type/variety, location, age, access to sunlight, water, disease.

During Harvest [October to February] we could monitor Number of seeds picked, production process. Possibly put QR codes in drying beds. Possibly use smart scales to measure the amount of coffee picked.

Process of Coffee from Seed to Cup

  1. Planting the seed
  2. Harvesting and picking
  3. Sorting and Selecting
  4. Pulping the cherries
  5. Fermenting
  6. Drying
  7. Storing
  8. Milling
  9. Grading/Cupping
  10. Distributing
  11. Roasting
  12. Packaging
  13. Grinding
  14. Brewing
  15. Drinking


SSI information on the coffee picker. Tracking, timestamps and traceability, Touches on digital identity, regulation as code, transparency for the manufacturing process. Farm workers will have an identity, Because they are certifying by submitting information into the farm information system.

Workers won't want to spend their minutes sending information to farm owners. But if free high speed internet was available… satellite broadband connectivity. Solving issues of reliability and power. Could run off solar.

Lora. Long range Wireless.

Can be run on coin cell batteries. Can send information up to 15 Kilometers. Can be used to relay transactions.

Smart hub Lora Gateway: Lora receiver in the Gateway, Which is also a WI-FI hub, which then connects the sensors out in the field. Hub could be a raspberry pi etc. Dashboard server running on local machines. Its the farmer’s data, its the farmer’s environment. Daily updates are available through smartphone realtime connection to the farm. Allowing the Farmer to make informed decisions remotely.

The future of this proposal:

Robotics plus: Machine vision. Have a small robot that trots around the farm taking photos of coffee trees looking for disease. Realtime updates to Farmers phone in the city.

Providing traceability for certifications. certificate of origin. A Certificate of Origin (CO) is an important international trade document that certifies that goods in a particular export shipment are wholly obtained, produced, manufactured or processed in a particular country. Issuance of clean coffee movement.


CoffeeChain is an innovative blockchain-based solution that leverages various technologies to promote sustainable practices, increase efficiency in coffee farming, and foster transparency and accountability in the industry. Our solution includes a sophisticated digital identity system for coffee pickers, which is integrated into a powerful farm information system that allows for tracking, timestamps, and traceability.

At CoffeeChain, we recognize the challenges that farm workers face in submitting information to farm owners, especially in remote farming areas. To address this, we aim to provide free high-speed internet in these areas, powered by solar energy, to facilitate communication and data exchange in real-time.

To ensure reliability and efficiency, we'll use a smart hub LoraWAN Gateway that includes a Lora receiver, a WI-FI hub, and a dashboard server on local machines. The hub connects to sensors out in the field and provides daily updates on farming data, allowing farmers to make informed decisions remotely through their smartphones.

Our solution provides transparency in the coffee manufacturing process through regulation as code, promoting accountability and reducing miscommunication between farmers. Additionally, we plan to incorporate Machine Vision technology in the future, using small robots that can identify pests and diseases in real-time, enabling farmers to address these challenges more efficiently.

CoffeeChain also offers traceability tools such as a certificate of origin, which promotes transparency within the industry and helps coffee farmers get certified for sustainable practices.

By promoting sustainability, transparency, and decentralization, We believe that adopting our solution would attract socially and environmentally conscious users to the Cardano ecosystem.

[IMPACT] How does your proposed solution address the challenge and what benefits will this bring to the Cardano ecosystem?

The CoffeeChain project is a smart use case in several ways:

  • Sustainability: Our project promotes sustainable farming practices that are essential for protecting the environment and fighting climate change

  • Efficiency: CardanoCoffeeChain uses innovative technology, such as the smart hub LoraWAN Gateway and machine vision, to optimize farming processes and improve efficiency

  • Transparency: The project promotes transparency and traceability in the coffee supply chain, helping to eliminate fraud and promote fair trade

  • Social Impact: Supports small-scale coffee farmers in remote East African regions who often lack access to essential resources such as reliable internet connectivity. This addresses Cardano's barriers to adoption in Africa

With these elements, the CardanoCoffeeChain project embodies a great use case of smart agriculture and promotes responsible and sustainable practices that could be replicated in various climate-smart agricultural initiatives.

  • Demonstrate environmental and cultural impact:

Our project aims to create sustainable systems for agriculture. It could demonstrate major environmental and cultural impacts. In order to track how our solution reduces the impact of pesticides, deforestation, and biodiversity loss we'll need to create a baseline understanding of where the farms are at before any changes are made. We are looking to capture a "Control" picture of farm operations and climate. We could also monitor how our solutions have benefited local farmers and communities.

  • Here in East Africa, we are well aware of the effects that farming has on the health of the climate. One case is the effect that Pesticide poisoning has had on humans and wildlife. Deforestation has caused changes in our weather systems. The resulting drought and flooding have killed many. We are working hard to create sustainable systems.

Climate-smart agriculture (CSA) is an approach to farming that aims to increase productivity and resilience to climate change while reducing greenhouse gas emissions. It involves implementing practices that improve soil health, conserve water, and reduce the use of pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers. CSA also focuses on using crops that are more resilient to weather-related stresses such as droughts, floods, and extreme temperatures.

CSA involves a combination of different practices, such as conservation agriculture, agroforestry, crop diversification, irrigation, and livestock management. It also involves the use of technology, such as precision agriculture, to improve farming efficiency and productivity.

The concept of CSA is important because climate change is already affecting agricultural productivity in many parts of the world. By adopting climate-smart agricultural practices, farmers can increase their resilience to climate change while also contributing to the global effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, CSA can help farmers improve their livelihoods by increasing their yields and generating new income streams through the adoption of more sustainable and profitable farming practices.

When I think of climate-smart agriculture, I picture coffee farms with lots of perennial vegetation smartly integrated as prairie strips, wetlands and crops

I am enthusiastic about farmer-led solutions to climate change. Restore strips of native plants around farm fields Perennials leaving wetlands alone Replacing fertilizer integrating Biodigestion..

[IMPACT] How do you intend to measure the success of your project?

  • Provide a better alternative through decentralization.

  • Integrate raw material producing countries on the equator

  • Innovate to leapfrog these farms into the future

  • Provide tangible solutions for the urban farmer and farm manager

  • Farmworker gets digital identity, credential

  • On-chain record keeping

  • Environmental sensors research

    [IMPACT] Please describe your plans to share the outputs and results of your project?

Sharing the outputs and results of our project is crucial to ensure that our work has a positive impact on the Cardano ecosystem and beyond. To achieve this goal, our plan involves the following steps:

  • Publishing the project findings:

We will share the outputs of our project by publishing papers in academic journals, industry conferences, and online forums. These publications will describe the technical details of the project, as well as the impact our solutions have had on the ecosystem and the wider society.

  • Holding webinars and workshops:

We will organize webinars and workshops to engage and educate new community members on the farms, businesses and interested parties on the potential use cases for our solutions. By sharing our work and expertise through online platforms and events, we can demonstrate how our solutions can solve problems, offerings opportunities for sustainable systems for agriculture. As this is a new idea, we might need to begin by covering Blockchain, LoRa, IOT, Robotics, Seeedstudio/RAK, Sensors etc

  • Engaging with Cardano communities:

We will work with Cardano communities, including our local coffee growers user group and developer associations (Gimbalabs, Mlabs), to promote the use of our dApp and gather feedback on their experiences. This will ensure that we are meeting community needs and improving our project's impact.

  • Leveraging social media:

We will leverage social media to disseminate our outputs and results to a wider audience, including East African locals who may not be directly involved with the Cardano ecosystem. Social media platforms will enable us to showcase our solutions, attract potential partnerships and investors, and promote the importance of sustainability in the Coffee Industry.

  • Partnering with stakeholder organizations:

We will partner with stakeholder organizations such as environmental associations, cooperative unions and sustainability institutes to help spread our project's outputs. Such partnerships can offer access to new audiences and insights into how our solutions can be adapted and applied to similar projects.

Overall, our plan is to share the outputs and results of our project across multiple channels and audiences, with a focus on engagement and education. By doing this, we hope to increase awareness around the importance sustainability in Coffee Agriculture, encourage the adoption of our solutions within the Cardano ecosystem, and offer a blueprint for sustainable projects in other industries.

[CAPABILITY/ FEASIBILITY] What is your capability to deliver your project with high levels of trust and accountability?

I completed my previous Proposal. Here is the close out video.


[CAPABILITY/ FEASIBILITY] What are the main goals for the project and how will you validate if your approach is feasible?

The goals of our project are:

  • To create sustainable systems for agriculture:

Our primary goal is to develop solutions that can reduce the negative impact of agriculture activities on the environment, such as pesticides, deforestation, and biodiversity loss. We aim to implement such solutions by leveraging blockchain and other emerging technologies.

  • To increase adoption of the Cardano ecosystem:

We aim to increase the adoption of the Cardano ecosystem by creating products and integrations that offer more use cases for the wider community. Our focus will be on developing or improving products that provide value to the Cardano community, integrating with other existing services and protocols, and developing or improving hardware solutions.

  • To provide opportunity for businesses in the emerging technology sector:

Our goal is to create a platform that can encourage the creation and deployment of blockchain-based applications that leverage a sustainable approach to agriculture. We aim to generate business opportunities for startups, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) operating in the emerging technology sector, including decentralized finance (DeFi), supply chain, and identity verification solutions providers. We will:

  • Test our solutions in real-world conditions:

We plan to test our solutions in real-world conditions to validate their feasibility. This will include engaging with local farmers and communities to ensure that our solutions meet their needs and are adapted to their unique contexts.

  • Measure the success rate of our solutions:

We will track the success rate of our solutions by monitoring their adoption rate, their impact on the environment, and the number of users they reach. We will also gather feedback from users to improve our solutions.

  • Partnerships with industry stakeholders:

We will partner with industry stakeholders such as environmental associations, sustainable agriculture projects, and cooperatives to share knowledge, create opportunities, and to ensure that our solutions are aligned with industry trends.

  • Research and Development:

We will take a research and development approach to our project, which will involve testing and validating our solutions in lab environments. We will document research findings and results in papers published in academic journals, industry conferences, and online forums.

This way, we can validate if our approach is feasible and address any challenges that arise throughout the development process.

[CAPABILITY/ FEASIBILITY] Please provide a detailed breakdown of your project’s milestones and each of the main tasks or activities to reach the milestone plus the expected timeline for the delivery.

We've identified the following objectives:

  • Confirm team and project partners:

Before starting the project, we will confirm our team members and project partners. This will ensure that we have the right people and resources to effectively execute the project.

  • Order and import sensors:

In order to collect data on the farms, we need to install sensors on the farms. To achieve this, we will order and import the necessary sensors. We will identify sensors that are compatible with our software and that can collect accurate data on the farms.

  • Install sensors on the farms:

Once we have the sensors, we will install them on the farms. We will work with the farmers to identify and install the sensors in the right locations for optimal data collection.

  • Switch sensors and gateway on, confirm functionality:

After the sensors are installed, we will switch them and the gateway on. We will confirm functionality to ensure that the sensors and gateway are communicating with each other and collecting data as expected.

  • Upload apps on devices:

To enable the farmers to view their data, we will upload apps on their devices. We will ensure that the apps are easy to use and provide meaningful insights into the data collected.

  • Confirm team and project partners:

We will update the software regularly to ensure that it is secure, efficient, and properly synchronized with the latest blockchain updates.

  • Collect data:

With sensors installed and software functioning, we will continuously collect data on the farms. We will ensure that the data collected is accurate and conforms to the project objectives.

  • Store data:

To ensure the integrity of the data, we will store it on secure and easily accessible databases. We will ensure the data can be accessed for future analysis, and backup copies of the data are kept.

  • Transfer data:

To facilitate data-driven decision making and farming activities, we will transfer data from the farms to the central database regularly.

  • Regular Farm visits:

We will regularly visit the farms to engage with the farmers, provide technical support, and gather feedback. Regular visits will also provide opportunities to assess project impact on the environment and agriculture.

To validate the achievement of our objectives, we have identified the following key results:

  • 90 days of photos from 4 positions on farms:

We will ensure that we capture photos from four different positions on the farms for a period of 90 days. This will provide visual documentation of farm conditions and changes over time.

  • 90 days of readings every 60 minutes from various sensors:

We will collect readings every 60 minutes from sensors measuring light intensity, air temperature, air humidity, and CO2 levels on the farms for a continuous period of 90 days. This will provide data on environmental conditions and help monitor changes and patterns.

  • On-chain record keeping:

We will implement on-chain record keeping, leveraging the capabilities of the Cardano blockchain. This will ensure tamper-proof and transparent recording of all data and activities associated with the project.

  • RealFi first step verifiable data from coffee farms in East Africa:

    [CAPABILITY/ FEASIBILITY] Please describe the deliverables, outputs and intended outcomes of each milestone.

Through this project, we aim to generate verifiable and trustworthy data regarding coffee farming in East Africa. This data will be the starting point for creating RealFi, a decentralized finance solution that enables fair and transparent financial services for farmers in the region.

User research is the process of understanding the needs, behaviors, and attitudes of users to inform the design and development of products or services.

Behavioral data is data that derives from customer or visitor engagement with a business or organization.

To validate the feasibility of our approach and our ability to achieve of these key results, we will:

  • Analyze and review the collected photos:

We will review and analyze the photos taken from the farms to ensure that they provide meaningful information and insights into the condition of the farms.

  • Evaluate the sensor data:

We will analyze the collected sensor data, including light intensity, air temperature, air humidity, and CO2 readings, to identify patterns, trends, and anomalies. This analysis will help validate the functionality and accuracy of the sensors.

  • Verify on-chain record keeping:

We will ensure that all relevant data, records, and transactions are securely stored on the Cardano blockchain and can be independently verified. This will validate the integrity and transparency of the project's record keeping process.

  • Collaborate with external parties:

We will partner with external organizations and stakeholders, such as coffee associations, farmers' cooperatives, and financial institutions operating in East Africa, to gather feedback and validate the accuracy and usefulness of the RealFi verifiable data.

By evaluating these key results and collaborating with relevant stakeholders, we'll be able to validate the feasibility of our approach and determine the success of our project in achieving its objectives.

[RESOURCES & VALUE FOR MONEY] Please provide a detailed budget breakdown of the proposed work and resources.

Hardware and Software:

  • Sensors (light intensity, air temperature, air humidity, CO2 levels): 10300 ADA
  • Gateway device to collect sensor data: 2000 ADA
  • Mobile devices for app deployment: 4000 ADA
  • Development of the project's software: 35000 ADA
  • On-chain record-keeping development: 17500 ADA

Total = 67000 ADA

Operating Costs:

  • Internet Services (data collection): 342ADA/month
  • Staff Salaries (team members and farmers): 85500
  • Transportation (to and from farms): 8550 ADA
  • Misc expenses (printing, communication, utilities, etc.): 5200 ADA

Total = 100966 ADA over 6 months (16600/month)


  • 10% of budget for unanticipated costs: 12800 ADA

Grand Total = 179,138 ADA

[RESOURCES & VALUE FOR MONEY] Who is in the project team and what are their roles?

Jackie: @Namwanje 80 years of experience in coffee farming, 20 Years experience in Accounting, Community Member, Community Advisor, Entrepreneur, Marketer Community Mobilizer

Angela: @AWG Atala Prism Pioneer, Haskell Plutus Lecturer, Eastern Town Hall Team Member, Gimbalabs PPBL Team Member, CA, VCA, Plutus Pioneer, Challenge Team Member

Anne: @Shirogat CA, Microsoft Certified Educator, 30 years Experience in Project Management and Ed Tech, Funded Proposer, Boostcamp Alumn, Entrepreneur

George: @GKariithi Farm Owner 30 Years experience in Coffee Farming, Tech Industry Experience, Urban dwelling Farmer

[RESOURCES & VALUE FOR MONEY] How does the cost of the project represent value for money for the Cardano ecosystem?

The CardanoCoffeeChain project becomes even more significant when considering the low income levels of farm workers in the regions where the project is implemented. In Kenya, the minimum wage is 112 USD per month, while in Uganda, it is 95 USD per month. These figures highlight the financial struggles faced by farm workers who often earn wages below the minimum threshold.

By implementing this project, farm workers have the potential to improve their living conditions significantly. The project encourages sustainable farming practices, which can increase crop yields and lead to higher income levels for farmers. With increased productivity and access to reliable data, farmers can make informed decisions, reduce waste, and optimize resource usage, ultimately enhancing their financial stability.

Moreover, the CardanoCoffeeChain project provides free high-speed internet access to farmers, allowing them to access online markets and services. This access opens new doors for farmers to sell their coffee directly, cutting out intermediaries and potentially earning higher profits. By providing this connectivity, the project empowers farmers and gives them an opportunity to participate in the global economy on more equal terms.

Furthermore, the project's focus on sustainability ensures that farmers can continue their livelihoods in the long run. By promoting climate-smart agriculture practices, the project helps to mitigate the risks of climate change and protect farmers' income sources. This aspect is essential for the local communities, as many of them heavily rely on agriculture for their livelihoods.

In summary, the CoffeeChain project not only offers value for money within the Cardano ecosystem but also presents a unique opportunity to uplift the living situations of farm workers. By introducing sustainable practices, providing access to technology, and enabling direct market access, the project aims to break the cycle of low wages and improve the financial well-being of farmers and their families.

Community Reviews (1)




  • EP2: epoch_length

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    d. 3 se. 24
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP1: 'd' parameter

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    d. 4 se. 3
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP3: key_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    d. 3 se. 48
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP4: epoch_no

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    d. 2 se. 16
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP5: max_block_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    d. 3 se. 14
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP6: pool_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    d. 3 se. 19
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP7: max_tx_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    d. 4 se. 59
    Darlington Kofa